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SQL is 43 Years Old - Here’s 8 Reasons We Still Use It Today

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2017-05-02 13:29:01

SQL and relational database management systems or RDBMS [] were invented simultaneously by Edgar F. Codd [] in the early 1970s. The simple fact that both arrived early in the life of computing, and that for 90% of the time they just work, means databases have become a ‘solved problem’ you no longer need to think about.

It’s like how MailChimp has become synonymous with sending email newsletters. If you want to work with data you use RDBMS and SQL. In fact, there usually needs to be a good reason not to use them. Just like there needs to be a good reason not to use MailChimp for sending emails, or Stripe for taking card payments.

But people do use other other email automation software and payment solutions, just like people use NoSQL databases. Yet even with other database technology available, albeit less mature technology, SQL still reigns and reigns well.

So, finally, here are 8 reasons we still use SQL 43 years after it was first cooked up [].

It's clickbait, I tell ya!

Original Submission