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California Cop Union Opposes New Bill That Would Thwart License Plate Readers

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2017-05-08 13:12:47
Digital Liberty

If the Electronic Frontier Foundation [] and a San Diego-based Republican state senator have their way [], it will soon become legal for Californians to cover their license plates while parked as a way to thwart automated license plate readers [].

Those devices, now commonly in use by law enforcement nationwide, can capture license plate numbers at a very high rate of speed, as well as record the GPS location, date, and time that a particular plate is seen. Those plates are then run against a "hot list" of stolen or wanted cars, and a cop is then alerted to the presence of any vehicle with a match on that list.

As written, the new senate bill [] would allow for law enforcement to manually lift a cover, or flap, as a way to manually inspect a plate number. The idea is not only to prevent dragnet license plate data collection by law enforcement, but also by private companies. A California company, Vigilant Solutions, is believed to have the largest private ALPR database in America, with billions of records.

Do we have a reasonable expectation of privacy in public?

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