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Mice able to exercise for almost twice as long after being given 'exercise pill'

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2017-05-08 18:42:43

Researches have made another step along the path to an 'exercise pill'. The latest discovery is a compound which 'switches' muscles into metabolizing fats instead of sugars without the usual aerobic training. This helps delay "hitting the wall", significantly. In a mouse study sedentary mice increased the amount of time spent on endurance exercise from 160 minutes to 270, without additional aerobic training. It is hypothesized the drug 'encourages' muscles to use fats for energy even when sugars are available. This is thought to mimic one of the adaptions brought on by aerobic exercise training. The results were published in the journal of Cell Metabolism - PPARĪ“ Promotes Running Endurance by Preserving Glucose []. For those without an organic chemistry CBC Radio's science program has an interview accompanying article [] with the study author.

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