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How To Be Someone People Love To Talk To

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2017-05-09 13:35:17
Career & Education

Social skills are an oft-cited weakness for geeks. If that describes you, this may help:

When do we really learn good conversation skills? Well, we don’t. We’re just kind of expected to pick them up…

And we wonder why people aren’t better communicators. How can you be that person people love to talk to?

I’ve posted a lot of research and expert interviews on the subject so let’s round up the info and make it actionable.

In this post you’ll learn []:

        How to make a good first impression.
        How to be a great listener.
        What the best subjects to discuss are.
        How to prevent awkward silences.
        How to politely end a conversation.

Each section contains links to further reading if you have a particular need for improvement.

Original Submission