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Cannabis reverses aging process in the brain

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2017-05-09 15:18:18 from the puff-puff-pass dept.

Like any other organ, our brain ages. As a result, cognitive ability also decreases with increasing age. This can be noticed, for instance, in that it becomes more difficult to learn new things or devote attention to several things at the same time. This process is normal, but can also promote dementia. Researchers have long been looking for ways to slow down or even reverse this process.

Scientists at the University of Bonn and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) have now achieved this in mice. These animals have a relatively short life expectancy in nature and display pronounced cognitive deficits even at twelve months of age. The researchers administered a small quantity of THC, the active ingredient in the hemp plant (cannabis), to mice aged two, twelve and 18 months over a period of four weeks.

The study found that mice brains age more quickly when they do not have cannabinoid receptors in the brain, that the drop in cannabanoid production quantity within the brain rapidly increases brain aging, and that THC which mimics naturally produced cannabanoids can fill in this production gap. Mice in the treatment group had more neuron connections than the control group, implying the ability to learn has been increased as well. The original paper is paywalled [] but ScienceDaily has a good article about it []. Before you start lobbying your manager to hot-boxing the break room in the office it's worth nothing that when THC is given to young rats they become lazy []. Surprising no-one, this happens in humans too (but only when they're high []). Original [] papers [] (no paywalls).

I guess it's okay for Grammy and Grampa to share a daily roach in their golden years?

Original Submission