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The next Denuvo circumvention

Accepted submission by looorg at 2017-06-06 19:45:09 from the I-am-the-Keymaster-Are-you-the-Gatekeeper? dept.

There has been a fair amount of interest or news regard the Denuvo DRM/Anti-tampering software during the last few weeks -- from how hard it is to crack, the performance impact on the games protected by it and how they apparently are trying to use other peoples software on the cheap. Released a day or so ago a new way to circumvent the protection.

The latest "crack" is apparently that of Dishonored 2, which was released in the stores (or on steam) in November '16. The difference to the previous workarounds is that this time it apparently includes a keygenerator. So files remain intact and instead it validates the game as real and proper. That is one way to work around the issue of never having to remove any protection. That might still leave it with the second complaint and problem with Denuvo tho and that is that with this way it will retain all the performance issues the games appear to have while the protection is alive and active.

STEAMPUNKS are proud to bring you the first release including a real Denuvo license generator with untouched game executable. Your license will be regenerated if needed (hw change, os updates) Enjoy The Power We just gave you. []

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