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President Trump Revises U.S. Policy Towards Cuba

Accepted submission by takyon at 2017-06-16 18:56:48

President Trump has placed some restrictions on travel to Cuba [], but has not entirely undone the changes [] that former President Obama made in his second term:

In an overhaul of one of his predecessor's signature legacies, President Donald Trump will redraw U.S. policy toward Cuba on Friday, tightening travel restrictions for Americans that had been loosened under President Barack Obama and banning U.S. business transactions with Cuba's vast military conglomerate [].

Trump's changes are intended to sharply curtail cash flow to the Cuban government and pressure its communist leaders to let the island's fledgling private sector grow. Diplomatic relations reestablished by Obama, including reopened embassies in Washington and Havana, will remain. Travel and money sent by Cuban Americans will be unaffected, but Americans will be unable to spend money in state-run hotels or restaurants tied to the military, a significant prohibition.

Editorials for [] and against [] the rollback.

Previously: Deal Will Allow Up to 110 U.S. Flights to Cuba Daily []
President Obama Visits Cuba []
USA Ends "Wet Foot/Dry Foot" Policy for Cuban Migrants []

Original Submission