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Uber is Under Federal Investigation for Spying On Lyft Drivers

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2017-09-09 15:22:49

Uber's been in the headlines for the worst of reasons this year, and the bad news keeps on coming. Now, it looks like Uber is involved in yet another federal investigation []. Authorities from the FBI's New York office are looking into whether Uber's Hell software illegally interfered with the operations of its competitor, Lyft.

We've previously covered the computer program [], which Uber secretly ran for two years. It used a vulnerability in Lyft's systems to spy on the company's drivers from 2014 to early 2016. They used the data to figure out which of their own drivers "double apped," meaning drove for both Lyft and Uber, and then tried to entice those drivers to work only for Uber. The key for investigators is whether the Hell software program actually consisted of unauthorized access to a computer. An Uber spokesman told The Wall Street Journal [] that the company is cooperating with the investigation.

Is it uber, mensch?

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