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CVS limits opioid prescriptions

Accepted submission by Snotnose at 2017-09-22 01:11:54

Sorry eds for the summary. Been up since 4 AM, worked all day, ready for bed. I'll try.

CVS is finally trying to do something about the opioid epidemic. [] They are limiting opioid refills to 7 days at a time, unlike my 90 day refills (nope, can't get high off my refills. Just keeps me out of the hospital in the next 1-1000 weeks).

The good part? If you need Opioid painkillers you'll spend a lot more time waiting in line, and if you abuse them likely being refused.

The bad part? Insurers will easily approve opioids well above safe levels because they're relatively cheap. They will not approve non-opioid replacements that just happen to be non-addictive, because they cost more.

My take? 20 minutes ago I couldn't spell opioid, now I can.

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