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Robert Mugabe Removed From Power in Zimbabwe by Military Coup

Accepted submission by takyon at 2017-11-16 09:18:30

Zimbabwe awaits news on Mugabe's future []

Zimbabweans are waiting to see what steps the military will take next after seizing control of the country. President Robert Mugabe is said to be under house arrest but the whereabouts of his wife Grace, who was bidding to succeed him as president, are unknown.

South African ministers have been in the capital Harare meeting the army and political parties. The Southern African Development Community (SADC) regional bloc will hold emergency talks on Thursday.

President Mugabe, 93, has been in control of Zimbabwe since it gained independence from Britain in 1980. But the power struggle over who might succeed him, between Mrs Mugabe and her rival former vice-president Emmerson Mnangagwa, has split the ruling Zanu-PF party in recent months.

More about Zimbabwe [] and former President Robert Mugabe [].

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CNN: Zimbabwe: Talks underway to form transitional government, source says []
NYT editorial: For Zimbabwe, a Coup Isn't the Answer []

Original Submission