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Why "man -w" will sometimes print "gimme gimme gimme"

Accepted submission by tonyPick at 2017-11-22 06:42:05

Spotted at Lobsters is a thread about a stackoverflow question on man []; why does running "man -w" report "gimme gimme gimme" when run at 00:30?

This gets this response:

Pretty much the whole story is in the commit. The maintainer of man is a good friend of mine, and one day six years ago I jokingly said to him that if you invoke man after midnight it should print "gimme gimme gimme", because of the Abba song called "Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight":

Well, he did actually put it in. A few people were amused to discover it, and we mostly forgot about it until today.

The commit in question [], and more commentary over at HackerNews. []

Anyone know of other good easter eggs that have cropped up unexpectedly and caught users out?

Original Submission