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Biohackers Disregard FDA Warning on DIY Gene Therapy

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2017-12-01 15:19:51

"Cease & Desist" has not worked []:

Despite a warning from the federal government about do-it-yourself gene therapy, two companies say they’ll continue offering DNA-altering materials to the public.

The companies, The Odin and Ascendance Biomedical, both recently posted videos online of people self-administering DNA molecules their labs had produced.

Following wide distribution of the videos, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration last week issued a harshly worded statement [] cautioning consumers against DIY gene-therapy kits and calling their sale illegal. “The sale of these products is against the law. FDA is concerned about the safety risks involved,” the agency said.

Does the Executive Branch want the market to decide, or not?

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