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UNSW Proposes 7nm Architecture for Quantum Computing Chips

Accepted submission by takyon at 2017-12-17 22:10:29


UNSW Proposes 7nm Silicon DRAM-Like Architecture For Quantum Chips []

The University of New South Wales [] (UNSW), a leading quantum computing research university from Australia, proposed an architecture for a silicon-based quantum computer processor based on complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology, which should make it easier to integrate quantum and classical chips.

[...] The engineers at UNSW have proposed the first practical architecture for parallel addressing of silicon spin qubits. Silicon spin qubits promise to have a higher stability [] rate compared to competing quantum computing architectures, while also promising to bring quantum computers to existing manufacturing processes.

The researchers said that this type of chip could be built on upcoming 7nm process technologies, although the smaller the transistors, the easier it will be to build a powerful quantum computer. However, once we reach 480 qubits, which can be implemented into a DRAM-like 20x24 qubit array chip, we could just multiply the 480-qubit modules to scale the quantum chip.

The researchers also said that they will need error-correction code employing multiple real qubits to build one "logical qubit," a method that's also currently used by most other quantum computing developers. They added that they developed a new type of error-correcting code that should work across millions of qubits in the future. This method is the first of its type that can be integrated in silicon.

The UNSW quantum computing team has received $83 million in funding from the university, the Australian government, and a few other companies, to develop a 10-qubit silicon quantum chip by 2022.

Original Submission