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Charlottesville Police Chief resigns

Accepted submission by aristarchus at 2017-12-19 05:00:20 from the White Unity May Not be Your Friend dept. dept.

So it seems that the Chief of Police in Charlottesville is going to resign. []

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. -- Alfred Thomas, the police chief in Charlottesville, Virginia, has announced his retirement on Monday after 27 years of law enforcement service. The decision comes just weeks after the release of a critical review of his department's reaction to a violent white nationalist rally over the summer.

We await the whole "parading without a permit" scene from "Easy Rider", or more historically correct, from Martin Luther King's incarceration in the Birmingham, Alabama, jail on exactly those charges. But, things are different now. Laws meant to control uppity blacks are totally useless against uppity white supremacists.

Earlier this month, former U.S. Attorney Tim Heaphy released findings from a monthslong investigation into law enforcement's response to the violent rally in August. The report criticized Thomas' "slow-footed response" and found that police failed on multiple fronts, leading to "deep distrust of government" in the local community. It also found a lack of preparation and coordination between state and city police and a passive response by officers to the chaos.

Let it Happen on Purpose? Is not that a persistent 9-11 conspiracy meme? But maybe there is something to it.

State police and Charlottesville police were unable to communicate by radio the day of the rally because they were on different channels, the report said, and commanders "instructed their officers not to intervene in all but the most serious physical confrontations."

All I can say, is that it was a good thing the antifa was there to do the job of the police, defending religious people from violent attack. [] Protect and serve? Protect white supremacists and serve them? Oh, boy. It should be noted, the Police chief is African-American.

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