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Twitter is OK with threatening Thermo-nuclear War.

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2018-01-03 08:44:28 from the It's not bannable if it's the president's tweet dept. dept.
Digital Liberty

Many Twitter users have reported threats of genocide and the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction by one Twitterati in particular, but Twitter does not think these violate the terms of usage at Twitter. Tweet, at Mashable. []

The president of the United States possibly made another threat of nuclear war on Twitter, but the company doesn't seem to think the post breaks any of its rules.

Donald Trump boasted on Twitter about how his nuclear button was bigger than North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's, and people are calling (again) for the president to be banned from the platform.

But then again, it was from something called the "Doomsday Machine", or a Twitter automated retaliation tweet.

Folks on Twitter are asking the platform whether this violates its policy against violent threats.

But in an automated response to several people reporting the tweet, Twitter says Trump's message represents "no violation of the Twitter Rules against abusive behavior."

Twitter users are stunned.

that was fast

        — amy brown (@arb) January 3, 2018

They didn't even pretend to care about this one

        — Camille Fournier (@skamille) January 3, 2018

But Mashable checked, just in case:

Twitter confirmed to Mashable that "this Tweet did not violate our terms of service," referencing the Twitter Rules against violent threats and glorification of violence.

"You may not make specific threats of violence or wish for the serious physical harm, death, or disease of an individual or group of people," the rules state.

Lesson: if you are going to threaten serious "physical harm, death or disease" on Twitter, be sure to include everyone by using nukes, instead of just one individual or group. Or, be the Mad President, of some country or the other.

Original Submission