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Work continues on 5G, shame no one's sure what it's for yet.

Accepted submission by PastTense at 2018-02-27 19:47:10

MWC18 5G is – surprise, surprise – dominating this year's Mobile World Congress as more emphasis is heaped on how non-telco vertical sectors can use the fledgling technology.

Unlike 4G or any previous cellular generation, 5G aims to cover a wider set of use cases from the outset: not only enhanced mobile broadband, but also massive machine-type communications and ultra-reliable low latency applications. The new capabilities could broaden cellular-based networks to potential new users, particularly in vertical industries from automotive to factory automation.

To achieve that, the telecom sector is seeking input from other verticals on 5G use cases and technical requirements that will help them to shape standards. During the last 18 months to two years, the telecom industry has been urging vertical sectors to get involved and there are now signs of engagement. []

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