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Lemonade is Applying 'Open Source' to Insurance Policies

Accepted submission by requerdanos at 2018-05-16 20:32:45 from the lawyers-are-expensive-crowds-are-cheap dept.

The Lemonade Insurance Agency [] of New York has announced an 'open source' insurance policy that anyone can edit, according to Insurance Business America Magazine [].

That this particular magazine's subject matter rarely intersects with anything 'open source' is made clear with gems like these:

Because the policy is open source, it’s not copyrighted

[Zomg, ] Lemonade’s competitors have access to it.

Despite the varying quality of the press coverage, the Lemonade Agency is forging what is probably new ground in the insurance business with what they are calling Policy 2.0 [].

From the Insurancebusinessmag article:

"As avid open source evangelists, we believe that bringing consumers and professionals together in an effort to co-create an insurance policy, will result in a better and fairer insurance product for the 21st century."

The policy is published on the Policy 2.0 Github [] under the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or later.

Also at TechCrunch [] and Business Wire [].

Original Submission