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Fixed Issue: SoylentNews E-Mails Delayed in being Sent -- Fixed!

Accepted submission by martyb at 2018-05-17 17:56:50 from the draining the queue dept.

We have been open with the community since the outset, and in keeping with that practice: we just fixed an issue with the site.

On or about May 9th, our mail server, beryllium, stopped sending out e-mails. The cause was the antivirus handler failing to be loaded, so all outgoing mail that would be processed by that handler ended up waiting indefinitely.

Many thanks to mechanicjay for debugging and fixing the issue!

Impact: If you signed up for emails from this site (such as notification of comment replies or moderation, subscription being low or expired, etc.) these have been delayed. It may take some time for the queue to be processed and for all pending e-mails to be sent out.

I well remember when SoylentNews launched and each day brought a seemingly endless supply of crashes and failures. It is a tribute to our volunteer staff that site issues now happen so rarely!

Original Submission