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BC Human Rights Tribunal Rules WIFI Isn't Dangerous

Accepted submission by Appalbarry at 2018-07-17 16:35:27 from the Always Makin' With Them Negative Waves Moriarty dept.

CBC News reports [] that the BC Human Rights Tribunal has ruled against parents who insisted that their child needed special protection against radio waves. The parents believed that their son had a condition called electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), a bundle of non-specific symptoms that they attribute to EMF exposure, and that "...Wi-Fi, cellphones and other electronics ... caused the boy's migraines, nausea, insomnia and night terrors. "

Claims that WIFI causes health problems are not unusual on the West Coast of Canada, [] but these parents added new twists to the story. His mother believes that the condition was caused by living near a cel phone tower during pregnancy, and that severe headaches and episodes of vomiting were caused by the amplification system his teachers used to help students with hearing impairments.

T's family complained he developed a headache one day after staying inside for recess. In an appeal to the school board, his family said it happened because, "as you know, the RF [radio frequency] does penetrate the room he is in when the children are moving around the school with their cellphones on at recess and lunch."

The student has since moved to a private school [] specializing in, among other things, working with autistic children. He is now able to develop social skills by joining other students on regular field trips to a local (presumably WIFI and cel free) farm.

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