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Samsung Could Bring New Features to Mid-Range Smartphones Before Flagships

Accepted submission by takyon at 2018-09-05 11:22:52

Samsung says new features could come to mid-range phones before flagships []

Flashy new features almost always arrive on the most expensive smartphones first, but Samsung may start taking a different approach. DJ Koh, head of Samsung's mobile division, tells CNBC [] that the company is now focused on differentiating mid-range phones ahead of flagship phones, as sales lag on higher-end models.

"In the past, I brought the new technology and differentiation to the flagship model and then moved to the mid-end. But I have changed my strategy from this year to bring technology and differentiation points starting from the mid-end," Koh told CNBC.

[...] Samsung hasn't avoided bringing higher-end features to mid-range phones — this year's Galaxy A series [], for instance, included an 18:9 screen and dual front-facing cameras. But it was going up against phones that offered screens with notches, the clear symbol of a 2018 device. That kind of difference makes it harder to compete with companies like OnePlus, which are quicker to bring these features to mid-range phones.

That all said, Koh told CNBC the changes are really just about "focusing on millennials who cannot afford the flagship."

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