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CBS Shuts Down Stage 9, a Fan-Made VR Recreation of the USS Enterprise

Accepted submission by canopic jug at 2018-10-01 06:00:20

Stage 9 was a non-commercial, virtual reality recreation of Star Trek The Next Generation's Enterprise starship. It that allowed fans of the series to explore the beloved vessel and immerse themselves in the chief setting of the series. It was built over the past two years using Unreal Engine 4 by fans who have taken great pains to state that the project was not affiliated or licensed with CBS or Paramount and that they weren't doing this to make money, only to artistically demonstrate their fandom. That did not stop CBS from sending a cease and desist letter, thus shutting down the project as CBS was reportedly unwilling to engage in dialog.

From Techdirt : CBS Bullies Fan Star Trek Project To Shut Down Despite Creators' Pleas For Instructions On Being Legit []
and at Ars Technica : Amazing NCC-1701-D simulator issues final command: “all stop” []
and at TorrentFreak : CBS Shuts Down Stage 9, a Fan-Made Recreation of the USS Enterprise []

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