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New Zealand changes law to demand phone passwords to seach devices at border

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2018-10-04 11:19:01 from the Border Strip Search dept. dept.

New Zealand will now fine travellers who do not provide phone passwords [] when they cross the New Zealand border. Travellers who refuse to provide the password to their mobile device will be hit with a fine of up to $5000. This change to NZ law does not bode well for the New Zealand travel industry with an averse reaction from tourists who will now avoid New Zealand. Previously NZ customs officers could demand that a device be relinquished but not the password to unlock it. The intent of the access is to search the phone file-by-file where customs have a "reasonable cause to suspect" that a search is required. In 2017 a total of 537 searches were carried out. The New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties has objected to the new law describing it as a grave invasion of personal privacy". Travellers have taken to social media [] to express [] their opinion [] on the new law.

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