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What Sorts Of Brain Teasers Do You Use To Test Candidates - And Why?

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2018-10-04 16:29:11
Career & Education

I recently applied for a job in Silicon Valley.

The recruiter had me take a battery of tests that measured my verbal, mathematical and visual aptitude. I'd guess it was a mini-IQ test; it wasn't a mini-MMPI (

As a result of the tests I was invited to interview onsite.

At the end of the interview the manager declared that he wanted me to take some tests.

His tests were brain teasers he had downloaded from a random website.

The brain teasers had nothing to do with the work I was interviewing for.

He seemed to ignore the battery of sophisticated tests I had been subjected to, and to believe that he could do better.

What is the REAL purpose of using brain teasers during an employment interview?

Is it just to make the candidate feel stupid?

Are any of these people qualified to interpret the results?

Are any of them industrial psychologists?

Or is this all about power and control?

Please advise.

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