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De-Extinction Is Now a Thing—Starting With Passenger Pigeons

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2018-10-23 18:17:34

Singularity Hub []:

Novak is among a small group of “de-extinction []” engineers, a relatively fringe group of scientists that hope to use genetic engineering to protect or revive iconic animal species ravaged by human activity.

To some [], de-extinction is an ecological-sized guilt trip, a species-wide Pet Cemetery horror story ripe for disaster. Yes, biodiversity is important; but who is to say that an extinct species can adapt and survive in an ecological system that’s moved on since its passing? Or perhaps more importantly, what if newly-revived animals—a true “invasive species” for Earth—cause more damage than good to our fragile ecosystem?

“Why go through the trouble” is something his team gets asked, said Novak. For passenger pigeons, the answer is simple: recently, almost a millennium after their man-driven extinction, we finally understand the critical role they played in shaping the eastern North American ecosphere.

The passenger pigeon isn't extinct -- it's merely resting.

Original Submission