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The Secret to Being More Likeable on First Dates and Job Interviews Revealed

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2018-10-23 19:03:27
Career & Education []:

People who need to make a good impression on dates or in job interviews should concentrate on communicating the hard work and effort behind their success, rather than just emphasising their talent, new research from Cass Business School has found.

In Impression (Mis) Management When Communicating Success, published in Basic and Applied Social Psychology, Dr. Janina Steinmetz investigated how people attribute their success on dates and job interviews, and whether these attributions were successful with their audiences.

She found—contrary to what many of us think—that success alone may not be enough to make a positive impression. Instead, she suggests that people should ensure they talk about the struggle behind their story to appear more likeable.'s attractive to talk about our struggles with our ex's?

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