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"Ancient" STEM kids' show enjoys YouTube revival

Accepted submission by Mainframe Bloke at 2018-10-24 02:36:24

Quality never goes out of style...The Curiosity Show, a 70s and 80s TV show from Oz that introduced kids to basic science, is enjoying a YouTube-based revival.

Thankfully, the creators got control of the content and have put their work up on YouTube.

The story here: []

Highly entertaining, and better yet, engaging curious young minds in the possibilities of the world around them. They even have some episodes in German, which I never knew. Generally aimed at the pre-high-school age, just using basic household props mainly. Puzzles, illusions, basic household chemistry and physics, etc.

Their YouTube channel is here if you've got some kids or are just curious yourself: []

To kick off the discussion: what are some other similar shows that should be revived?

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