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My Phone Is Spying on Me, So I Decided to Spy on It

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2018-10-25 13:26:40

ABC []:

To be perfectly frank, it's getting harder and harder to resist donning that tinfoil hat.
My confidence that I know — mostly — what data is being recorded about me and what information my apps and devices are sharing has been slowly but surely eroding as the revelations [] keep [] coming [].

As my doubt grew I decided I wanted to know for sure what my devices were actually sharing. Not just feel like I've got a pretty good idea — but really know. So I've hatched a plan to find out, and I'd like your help along the way.

For about a week I'm going to intercept and record every bit of data sent from my two most personal internet-connected devices: my phone and my laptop. It will include all manner of personal information being sent to companies around the world.

If you're into that kind of thing, you can read all the technical details [] about how that's going to work.

Has anyone done like TFA's author? What were the results?

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