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Hawaii's Supreme Court Approves Construction of Thirty Meter Telescope

Accepted submission by takyon at 2018-11-01 20:21:33

Hawaii top court approves controversial Thirty Meter Telescope []

Hawaii's Supreme Court has approved construction of what will be one of the world's largest single telescopes, on the controversial site of Mauna Kea.

Work on the $1.4bn (£1bn) Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) had paused in 2015 after protests from some native Hawaiians, to whom the land is sacred.

The state's top court ruled 4-1 in favour of the scientists on Tuesday.

Mauna Kea already has 13 telescopes; activists say their construction has interfered with cultural practices.

For years, protesters - including some environmentalists - have said building what is planned to be the world's biggest telescope on a site already saturated with observatories would further desecrate and pollute the sacred mountain.

On Tuesday, Hawaii's Governor David Ige thanked the top court for its ruling in a statement, saying he believes the decision is "fair".

Previously: Protests Temporarily Halt Thirty-Meter Telescope's Construction in Hawaii []
Hawaiian Court Revokes Permit for Construction of Thirty-Meter-Telescope []
Thirty Meter Telescope Considering Move as Hawaii Officials Open Hearing []

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