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Amazon HQ Expansion Means Tough Fight for Talent

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2018-11-20 15:58:23
Techonomics []:

When tech giants like Amazon expand, other companies don't just worry about losing business. They also fret about hanging on to their employees.

Some of the industries that have defined New York City and the Washington, D.C., area will face increased competition for talent when Amazon sets up shop in their territory, with plans to hire 50,000 new workers amid the tightest job market in decades.

The expansion comes at time of fierce demand for computer programmers, mobile app developers, data scientists and cybersecurity experts. Salaries keep rising as companies from banks to retailers seek new technology professionals to expand their online presence and automate operations. Particularly in demand are software developers, with many switching jobs each year. Even some banks have eased up on their dress codes to project a hipper image.

Good news, ye techies working on Wall Street! Soon you might be able to wear jeans and t-shirts to work.

Original Submission