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New York City Subway and Bus Services Have Entered 'Death Spiral', Experts Say

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2018-11-20 16:13:43

The Guardian []:

New York City’s subway and bus service is already in crisis. It could be getting worse. And more expensive.

Officials at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) warned last week that without a major infusion of cash, they will have to drastically cut service or increase fares on the system that carries millions of New Yorkers around the city.
They are also proposing $41m a year in service cuts, mainly increasing the time between trains and buses on some routes. And, if approved, the plan would delay the launch of faster bus routes.

Those changes will still leave the MTA with massive deficits, expected to hit nearly $1bn a year by 2022.

To tackle those deficits, officials say they would have to cut service more drastically, or raise fares by an additional 15%.

Bike-sharing and ride-hailing apps have emerged as alternatives for commuters. Is mass transit finding itself in a valley of death between those who are price-conscious and those who want maximum convenience?

Original Submission