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Sparrow-sized Raptors Left the Smallest Dinosaur Footprints Ever Found

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2018-11-20 17:08:11

New Atlas []:

Discovered in the Jinju Formation in South Korea, each of the footprints measures about 1 cm (0.4 in) long. Although they resemble modern bird tracks, they only have two toes, indicating they were made by raptors. That's because raptors, as you might remember from Jurassic Park, hold their clawed third toe off the ground in a curved position.

"These 110-million-year-old footprints and trackways were made by carnivorous dinosaurs commonly known as raptors," says Anthony Romilio, an author of the study. "The diminutive sizes of these new tracks are extraordinary; the tracks were made by tiny dinosaurs about the size of sparrows. They are the world's smallest dinosaur tracks."

How long before they find dinosaur tracks [] that dead-end at tire tracks [] that lead away []?

Original Submission