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Government Releases Silicon Valley Diversity Data

Accepted submission by Anonymous Cow Herd at 2018-11-25 17:58:11

"[...] five companies – Oracle, Palantir, Pandora Media, Gilead Sciences and Splunk – objected to the requests, claiming that the diversity data is a trade secret. In each case, the US Department of Labor initially agreed with the companies and denied Reveal’s FOIA requests.

For many years, the Labor Department has allowed federal contractors to block public records requests for their demographics by calling them trade secrets.

We filed a lawsuit in April, alleging that the Labor Department was violating the Freedom of Information Act. The lawsuit calls the trade secret argument unjustified and asks for an injunction requiring the Labor Department to “promptly release the withheld records.”" The Government Has Reversed Its Policy on Silicon Valley Diversity Data []

When I interviewed at Splunk, it seemed to be dominated by Indians.

Oracle's still run by Jews but they use Indians to do the work and for middle management, and to insulate the cream of the employees from lawsuits.

I'm looking forward to seeing the numbers.

The demographics of one's employment population could only be construed as a trade secret if the publication of one's employee demographics would destroy one's relationship with one's customers, but it would only do so if one had misled one's customers - not if one had been honest, all along.

Why is the United States Government in the business of helping US businesses lie to their US customers?

Has lying become some sort of core competency, shared by bis governments, and big businesses?

Perception management can only go so far ...

Original Submission