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Ancient DNA Shows the Sámi and Finns Share Identical Siberian Genes

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2018-11-27 17:15:55
Science []:

The first study on the DNA of the ancient inhabitants of Finland has been published, with results indicating that an abundance of genes reached Finland all the way from Siberia.

Genetic material from Siberia has been found in the inhabitants of the Kola Peninsula from as far back as approximately 4,000 years ago, later spreading also to Finland. The study also corroborates the assumption that people genetically similar to the Sámi lived much further south in Finland than today even during the Iron Age.

The genetic samples compared in the study were collected from human bones found in a 3,500-year-old burial place in the Kola Peninsula and the 1,500-year-old lake burial site at Levänluhta in South Ostrobothnia, Finland. All of the samples contained identical Siberian genes.

The results suggest Bronze Age inhabitants of Finland may have had regular contact with people in Northern Siberia, despite the vast distances separating them.

Original Submission