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Google Pledges to Hold Off on Selling Facial Recognition Technology

Accepted submission by upstart at 2018-12-14 06:57:00

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Submitted via IRC for SoyCow1984

Google pledges to hold off on selling facial recognition technology []

Facial recognition technology has come under the spotlight in recent years, with everyone from local law enforcement [] to Taylor Swift [] employing it in some way. And certain companies have faced a lot of pushback over how they've handled their technology and who they've sold it to. Amazon, for instance, has come under fire for selling its Rekognition software to law enforcement groups, and civil rights groups [] as well as its own investors [] and employees [] have urged the company to stop providing its facial recognition technology to police. In a letter to CEO Jeff Bezos, employees warned about Rekognition's potential to become a surveillance tool for the government, one that would "ultimately serve to harm the most marginalized."

In October, reports surfaced that Amazon had pitched [] its Rekognition software to ICE, and yesterday during a hearing [] with the New York City Council, an Amazon executive didn't deny [] having a contract with the agency, saying in response to a question about its involvement with ICE that the company provides Rekognition "to a variety of government agencies." Lawmakers in the US have now asked Amazon for more information [] about Rekognition multiple times.

Recently, Microsoft shared six principles [] it has committed to regarding its own facial recognition technology. Among those guidelines is a pledge to treat people fairly and to provide clear communication about the technology's capabilities and limitations.

"This is a strong first step," the ACLU's Nicole Ozer said in a statement [] about Google's announcement. "Google today demonstrated that, unlike other companies doubling down on efforts to put dangerous face surveillance technology into the hands of law enforcement and ICE, it has a moral compass and is willing to take action to protect its customers and communities. Google also made clear that all companies must stop ignoring the grave harms these surveillance technologies pose to immigrants and people of color, and to our freedom to live our lives, visit a church, or participate in a protest without being tracked by the government."

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