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Motorcycle safety: ten years of data on neck braces

Accepted submission by Runaway1956 at 2018-12-19 16:58:51 from the you can never know too much dept.
Career & Education

Study: Neck Braces Significantly Reduce Severe Injury/Death

A midwest ambulance service has released its collected statistics on the results of wearing or not wearing a neck brack in motorcycle competition. Great Lakes EMS serves amateur competitions for AMA in five states. For the last 10 years, they have accumulated data associated with injuries received in motorcycle competition.

Study: 10 Years Of Data
Great Lakes EMS says it collected its data from January 2009 through October 2018. Included in the data are a total of 9,430 patients, with 8,529 where their use or non-use of a neck brace was documented. The 901 patients not included in the study data pre-date documentation of whether the patient was or was not wearing a neck brace and are excluded from the study.

Injury rates and types
Great Lake EMS’s findings are as follows:

A critical cervical spine injury is 89% more likely without a neck brace.
Death is 69%+ more likely (due to cervical spine injury) without a neck brace.
A non-critical cervical spine injury is 75% more likely without a neck brace.
A clavicle (collarbone) fracture is 45% more likely without a neck brace.
Cervical spine injuries sustained without a neck brace are more severe, require greater care.
Cervical spine injury of any kind is 82% more likely without a brace.
Based on the above statistics Great Lakes EMS concludes that neck braces provide an exponential improvement in rider safety. Additionally, they say that they will continue to record the above data for many years to come.

To their credit, Great Lakes provides a disclaimer at the end of their study:

All data contained within, and related to this report is the sole property of Great Lakes EMS, Inc., and shall not be used by any entity, company, manufacturer, or organization as a means to market and/or contribute to the sales and/or profit of goods or services without written and legal consent of Great Lakes EMS, Inc.

The data contained in this report is and was strictly collected for informational and statistical purposes, and is not designed to endorse any product, service, or company, nor does the data relate to, or assume that all products designed for these types of injuries will provide any benefit(s) to the user. Great Lakes EMS, Inc. and its members, volunteers, contributors, and alike are not medical doctors, nor are they attempting to solicit medical advice in any form.

Great lakes EMS, Inc highly encourages you to speak with a medical professional, and/or representative/sales agent for specific brands/manufacturers in your area should you have any questions or concerns regarding products you intend to use, as well as your health, safety, or otherwise. (emphasis added) []

Related study, on motorcylce helmet usage - PDF warning - []

Then, there is the world famous Hurt report, another PDF - []

Note that the Hurt report has been cited by every self-appointed authority on motorcycling since it was published published in 1981. It is well worth reading, because some of those self-appointed authorities get it wrong.

One more PDF, the MAIDS study, done in Europe, which finds very much the same thing as the HURT report - []

Original Submission