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Bent iPad, no Problem, it's "expected" to be that way.

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2018-12-20 18:52:48 from the not our fault dept.

Defective gadget return policy:

#1 Have you recently purchased a nice shiny "defective" gadget?
Good, it should be under warranty.

#2 Is it actually defective? Maybe it's bent or has some other flaw?
Good, good, we wouldn't want to be selling you something broken.

#3 Did you purchase it from Apple? Specifically, did you buy a nice shiny new iPad Pro? You know, the one that can cost you upwards of $1k?
Don't worry, it's supposed to be that way. You didn't get a defective device or damaged goods. You got what you paid for. A bent iPad Pro. []

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