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World's oldest large predator dinosaur unearthed in Italy

Accepted submission by RandomFactor at 2018-12-22 16:07:34 from the the original meatlovers dept.

Telesur has an article [] up on a 1 ton ambush predator Saltriovenator zanellai unearthed in Italy.

Saltriovenator is dated 25 million years further into the past than previous large predators. The team lists off various attributes of the eight-meter-long ceratosaurus including

80-centimeter skull, dagger-sharp teeth, steel-strong claws and two-legged hunting and ambush specialty.

Unearthing, assembling, and interpreting the remains from the Saltrio marble quarry, located some 50 miles north of Milan, took scientists over two decades to complete. According to Dal Sasso of Milan's Natural History Museum

"Not all fragments match, but many are adjacent and allow us to virtually reconstruct the shape of whole bones," Dal Sasso said in the statement. "To complete the puzzle we also used a 3-D printer: part of the left scapula was turned into the right one thanks to a 'mirroring printing' which gave us a more complete scapula."

Other dinosaurs that terrorized prehistoric Italy are listed here []

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