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China Installs Surveilience Network

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2018-12-26 10:13:14 from the Trust your nieghbors dept dept.

Chine has installed a surveillance network on the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea []. Recent satellite imagery shows a new structure that appears to be anchored on the north edge of the Bombay Reef, with solar panels and a radome on top. The Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative [] believes the dome to be a Ocean E-Station destined to be part of the Blue Ocean Information Network which China is building for xploration, exploitation and control” of the region. China's interest is in claiming control of the area which is currently claimed by multiple countries and prevent the US and other countries from entering the international waters around the islands. If this continues China may very well claim the area by right of possession in the same way it claims ownership of Tibet.

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