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Intel's Interim CEO Robert Swan Becomes Full-Time CEO

Accepted submission by takyon at 2019-01-31 19:15:25

Robert Swan Named CEO of Intel []

Intel today announced that its board of directors had named Robert Swan, its CFO and interim CEO, as full-time chief executive officer. Mr. Swan will be the company's first CEO with financial background. As the head of the company, Mr. Swan will continue Intel's transformation from a PC-centric to a data-centric company with a focus on improving execution and aggressive capturing addressable markets using ambitious technologies.

Robert Swan [] (58) becomes chief exec of Intel at a rather interesting, yet challenging time. The world is at a strategical inflection point when multiple technologies have to converge in a bid to enable the next phase of industrial and social development. To stay relevant, Intel not only needs to retain its leading position as a developer and maker of CPUs and compute platforms, but also gain new important competencies. Meanwhile, the company is facing multiple challenges. Its traditional rivals are getting stronger (partly because they are forming alliances) and new competitors are emerging. In the meantime, Intel's leadership in semiconductor production is now challenged and many of its opponents have certain advantages.

Previously: Intel CEO Brian Krzanich Quits after Fling with Coworker Revealed []
AMD Responds to Radeon VII Short Supply Rumors []

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