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Mike Crawford Is Dead, Contributed to Mac System 7.5.X and Activist

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2019-03-26 00:45:34 from the News dept.
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Some of you might know him on the west coast. He worked for Apple fixing/debugging System 7.5.X and attended Cal Tech. He was an activist for the mentally ill and homeless. He was openly bisexual and open about his schizoaffective disorder. His Facebook page: []

I had helped him with his project Soggy Jobs: [] which is unfinished. It was his project he needed a business model for.

He was on CNN about the taking away of tax credit from software engineers: []

His website is here: []

He was a member here at Hacker News.

He had serious physical illnesses that made him suffer and he took his own life.

I was an online friend of his, and I too suffer from schizoaffective disorder. []

His wish was not to be forgotten to be remembered through his works. To at least have a Wikipedia article written on him or some other Wiki. Wikipedia named him non-notable about ten years ago. But if you met him, he'd always show you respect and even if he disagreed with you he was nice about it.

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