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SpaceX Starhopper Raptor Engine Fireball on pad erupts

Accepted submission by DannyB at 2019-07-17 18:02:15 from the anomalies dept.

SpaceX’s Starhopper engulfed in fireball after critical Raptor static fire test []

SpaceX’s Starhopper was engulfed in a fireball shortly after a static fire ignition of its Raptor engine, almost certainly delaying the low-fidelity Starship prototype and testbed’s first untethered flight.

With any luck, Raptor, Starhopper, and SpaceX’s spartan Boca Chica facilities have escaped relatively unharmed. Regardless, even if Raptor’s static fire was technically successful, some repairs will likely be necessary and the off-nominal behavior that occurred after the ignition test will have to be dealt with and understood to prevent such behavior during future Starhopper operations.

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Due to the inherently low quality of video captured [] through thousands of feet of thick, humid Texas air, it’s almost impossible to make specific details out. However, shortly after the static fire ignition and shutdown, some viewers believe that there was fire visible at one or several points on Starhopper, although what looks like fire could easily be a simple reflection of the active flare stack just a few hundred feet away.

Hopefully hurt nobody is, damages minimal they are, and lots of telemetry collected it was.

Original Submission