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TiVo Says Subscribers Will See Ads Prior to Watching Recorded Shows

Accepted submission by chewbacon at 2019-09-22 16:27:16 from the defeating-the-purpose dept.

Engadget and others are reporting that contrary to the very spirit of the set-top box DVR, TiVo says all subscribers with select devices will see ads prior to playing recorded shows after a software update rolls out. TiVo says subscribers will be able to skip the ads coming in the next 90 days, but did not elaborate on this as a user says they had to fast forward through the ads. Many subscribers are angry and threatening to cancel calling the ads a feature that devalues the service as they pay for the ability skip ads altogether.

This prompts the question: will cable companies, losing subscribers and looking to replace that revenue, do the same with their DVRs?

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