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Men hack electronic billboard, play porn on it

Accepted submission by DannyB at 2019-10-02 13:40:03 from the please-cover-eyes-while-driving-on-I75 dept.

From ArsTechnica [] Men hack electronic billboard, play porn on it []

Pornographic video could be seen along I-75 for 15 to 20 minutes, police say.

Police are trying to find two men who broke into the control room of an electronic billboard in the Detroit suburb of Auburn Hills. The men caused a pornographic video to play on both sides of the billboard, which is located next to Interstate 75, around 11pm on Saturday evening. Videos of the billboard quickly began to circulate [] on social media (link is mildly NSFW).

"Two suspects entered a small building, which houses a computer that runs the content for the digital billboard, located underneath the sign," Auburn Hills police reported [] in a Facebook page. Police shared surveillance footage showing the two men with their faces obscured by glasses and by hoodies pulled tight around their heads.

Calm down, already! Don't get so excited. It's just a video file. Get hold of yourself!

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