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The Largest Unofficial Dice Roll in History: 216,000 Dice Spill from a Truck

Accepted submission by martyb at 2019-10-03 21:27:10 from the the die is cast again and again and again and... dept.

The Largest Unofficial Dice Roll nn History: 216,000 Dice Spill from a Truck []:

A truck carrying about 432,000 dice from Trivium Studios took a turn a little too sharply on Interstate 75 in Atlanta, causing half the load to spill out, about 216,000 D6.

The article links to a YouTube video of what the aftermath [] looked like.

From the video's description:

On Friday afternoon in Atlanta, our truck, which was carrying three palettes of Chessex dice for an upcoming game, took a turn a little too sharply. Roughly half the dice spilled across the interstate. About 216,000 individual dice were lost, making this the largest unofficial dice roll in history.

What are the chances of that happening again?


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