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Graphene turns 15

Accepted submission by ikanreed at 2019-10-04 15:58:08 from the hopefully-it-doesn't-start-smoking-in-3-years dept.

Fifteen years ago this month, Professor Sir Andre Geim and Professor Sir Kostya Novoselov performed the first successful attempts at creating a synthetic monolayer of carbon atoms, a feat that would earn them a nobel prize 6 years later.

The European Union graphene flagship project [] has put out a release celebrating [] progress in the field. Which includes a list of products already on the market using graphene []

It also makes some bold claims about the future of the tech

A host of applications for graphene are expected to hit the market 10 to 15 years from now. These are related to (opto)electronics, where graphene can deliver performances orders of magnitude higher than current technologies. The developments in this area could trigger the next-generation of (opto)electronic devices, bringing the 'more-than-Moore' devices to reality.

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