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Project Trident to Move from FreeBSD/TrueOS to Void Linux

Accepted submission by canopic jug at 2019-10-16 06:38:21

Project Trident [] will be built on Void Linux starting January 2020 [] and leave its current base of TrueOS behind. This will immediately improve GPU driver support, sound card and streaming, wireless networking, and, for the first time, add Bluetooth capabilities as well as providing newer versions of user applications.

Currently, Project Trident is based on FreeBSD and uses the TrueOS build framework. Over the years, we have accumulated multiple long-standing issues with the underlying FreeBSD OS. Issues with hardware compatibility, communications standards, or package availability continue to limit Project Trident users. After many years of waiting for solutions, there don’t appear to be any resolutions on the horizon. To continue to strive for the stated project goals, we have had to make the difficult decision to shift our focus and move to an operating system that better suits what Project Trident is trying to deliver to our users.

Earlier on SN:
TrueOS Doesn’t Want to Be ‘BSD for Desktop’ Anymore [] (2018)

Original Submission