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Why make a game when your PC can make one for you?

Accepted submission by szopin at 2019-12-27 23:15:29 from the AI dept.

People got used to pre-determined games where you had an easy to discern win condition, not anymore, AI is all the rage now and you can play with your machine forever and ever, or not even PC you can play on your phone: []
"Earlier this month we told you about AI Dungeon, an AI-powered text adventure with near infinite possibilities. You can type what you want into the game, and the AI will generate a response on the fly, creating a freewheeling experience that encourages cooperation and imagination. Now, AI Dungeon is available on iOS and Android as well, making it much easier to explore fantasy and sci-fi realms with an AI game master. "
Now there is even a better (for end users) port that uses "half precision floating point using significantly less GPU memory" (you can run it on 4GB cards instead of 16+): []
Also includes coloured text, suggested actions and a ton of pre-defined scenarios missing from the original

Original Submission