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LastPass is discontinuing its native Mac app and replacing it with a more universal web app [theverge.com]:
It looks worse on Macs, but will be easier for the developer to maintain
Password management app LastPass has announced it will be discontinuing its native macOS app on February 29th, directing users in an email to switch over to the new web-based version of the app that will replace it.
According to the email, LastPass is making the change to “provide the best experience for our customers,” citing changes made by Apple in Safari 12 in 2018 [9to5mac.com], which were designed to push developers toward offering browser extensions through native Mac App Store apps [logmeininc.com] instead of the soon to be deprecated Safari Extension Gallery. While other apps, like 1Password [apple.com], updated to implement the new system with their native apps, LastPass has decided to just remove support for the old native app entirely.
To replace it, LastPass will be offering a new Mac app [lastpass.com] that will support the new extension system. However, instead of being a fully native piece of Apple software, it’ll be more of a web app that’s “built with technologies shared with our other LastPass apps,” which the company says will make it easier to maintain its apps across multiple platforms.
The downside is that the new app is no longer built with native Mac technologies, which means that it looks worse (especially compared to the old app, which fit in much better alongside other native Mac apps). It also lacks deeper macOS features, like system-wide hot keys, which is also disappointing.
Customers who prefer the old Mac App Store version will theoretically be able to use it, but after February 29th, the app “will no longer be supported or receive security updates.”
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I'm sure that's more secure