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Facebook Fact-Checking Partnership With Reuters

Accepted submission by Coward, Anonymous at 2020-02-12 20:09:11 from the truth dept.
Digital Liberty

Facebook starts fact-checking partnership with Reuters []:

A newly created unit at Reuters will fact-check user-generated photos, videos, headlines and other content for Facebook’s U.S. audience in both English and Spanish, the news agency said in a statement. Financial terms were not disclosed.

Facebook works with seven other fact-checking partners in the United States, including Associated Press and Agence France-Presse.

Back in the day when Facebook had six fact-check partners, The Hill wrote []:

Together, Facebook’s six partners have 26 full-time staff and fact-checked roughly 200 pieces of content per month.

Experts who spoke to The Hill said those changes were insufficient to make a serious dent in the fake accounts and disinformation they say are rampant on Facebook.

Traditional journalism has been struggling financially []. Perhaps the role of social-media fact-checker will be profitable.

Original Submission