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U.S. Attempting to Restrict TSMC Sales to Huawei

Accepted submission by takyon at 2020-03-29 12:33:29

US poised to restrict TSMC's chip sales to China's Huawei []

The United States has been aiming to curb the supply of chips sold by contract chipmaker Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) to China's Huawei Technologies Co. through planned heavier sanctions against the Chinese telecom equipment giant, according to a Reuters report.

The report said while tensions between Washington and Beijing have been escalating with both sides blaming each other for spreading the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the Trump administration has a plan to introduce new measures to further restrict global chip sales to Huawei.

Under the proposed new rules, the report, dated Thursday (March 26) in Washington, said foreign companies that use U.S. production equipment to roll out their chips would be required to obtain a U.S. license ahead of sales of certain chips to Huawei, which was blacklisted last year.

Boon for Apple, AMD, Nvidia, etc. or a disaster in the making?

Also at Tom's Hardware [].

See also: AMD is set to become TSMC's biggest 7nm customer in 2020 []
Report: TSMC's Reducing Its Reliance on Huawei Amid US Government Scrutiny []

Related: AMD Says TSMC Can Meet Epyc Demand; Launches New, Higher-Clocked 64-Core CPU []
How China Plans to Lead the Computer Chip Industry []

Original Submission